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Thanksgiving: A time for reflection and thanks for businesses

Thanksgiving is a time for reflection and giving thanks to those who celebrate it personally. This can also be a great time for reflection and thanks for businesses as well.

What am I thankful for as a business owner? Well, quite a lot. I have just recently gone through a major surgery, and am minimizing my work while going through my 6-week recovery, which will take me to the end of the year. However, as a business owner, there is still a ton of work that I need to do. Here is what I am thankful for:

1. An amazing team that is stepping up to take on as much as they can to give me my recovery time. There are times that we still may need to discuss some things, however, they are fully ready and capable to let the client know that as I am off, there may be a short delay in obtaining the answers or direction required.

2. An amazing support network of colleagues ready to step in and help my team with things that may require a higher experience person to work on, which eliminates additional work for me.

3. Amazing clients that are appreciative of the need for recovery and that we are doing all we can to keep things moving along with minimal delays.

Upon reflection, the reason that I can be thankful for my amazing team, colleagues, and clients is due to the culture that we have. Having the right culture and team buy-in was so important to me when starting the business. It was difficult at first to find the right team members that were the right fit and appreciated the non-tangible benefits that I offered, but that was achieved. Finding like-minded colleagues was difficult as well. But there are so many of us within the accounting industry. You just need to start connecting and you will find many that believe in co-opetition and collaboration rather than competition. Finally, clients, that was the hardest piece of all. But getting to know who you want to deal with, and finding them is the key. We are all about relationships here, so it is not necessarily the industry that the client may be in, but them. The bottom line is that we choose to invest in people. The right people can be your best asset.

Until next time,

Tanya Hilts

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